Billy BustamanteWelcome!

I’m Billy.  I’m so happy you stopped by!  I’m writing this from my light-filled home studio with my adorable, hypoallergenic puppy, Kino cuddled at my feet.  

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m an artist who loves nurturing the potential inother artists. That love has found its way into the many hats I wear. While you’re meeting me as a photographer, I’m also a performer, director, and teacher.  Through my varied experience in the industry, I’ve developed a unique perspective on your headshot’s importance. 

  • As a performer...
    I realize how important it is to feel confident about the story your headshot tells.
  • As a director...
    I know what we behind the table look for in a headshot and how to help you communicate that while shooting.
  • As a photographer...
    I know how to capture the art of active communication through a static image.

My goal when I work is always the same. Whether I'm photographing an actor, directing them in a rehearsal, or performing onstage along side them. I strive to create a positive, creative environment where you feel comfortable and free enough to take risks and do your best. Only then can we truly examine, challenge, and amaze ourselves.  

From one artist to another, I am here for you…

  • to nurture your potential
  • to empower you
  • to help you tell your story, in the way only a picture can

I look forward to collaborating with YOU sometime soon!

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